Online Videos –
Organic Chemistry –Alkenes
These videos of our regular classes are available to our regular class students.
Each lesson is broken up into a few videos. In the description below each video, you can look for the content or question that you would like to view or revisit.
10 Alkenes (Hydrocarbons) (Week 1)
Video 1-1
Structural characteristics, and nomenclature of alkenes
Video 1-2
Cis-trans isomerism in alkenes
Physical properties and relative stabilities of alkenes
Video 1-3
Bonding in an ethene molecule
Electrophilic addition of halogens
Video 1-4
The electrophilic addition mechanism
Video 1-5
Q5: electrophilic addition mechanism
Electrophilic addition of X2(aq)
Practice questions for e-add mechanism (Q6, Q7, Q8)
Video 1-6
Electrophilic addition of HX
Relative stabilities of carbocations
Markovnikov's rule and forming major products (Q9)
10 Alkenes (Hydrocarbons) (Week 2)
Video 2-1
Electrophilic addition of H2O to form alcohols (Q10)
Video 2-2
Practice questions for electrophilic addition (Q11 to Q17)
Video 2-3
Catalytic addition of hydrogen to form alkanes
Mild oxidation to form diols
Oxidative cleavage of alkenes
Video 2-4
Practice questions on oxidative cleavage (Q18 to Q20)
Video 2-5
Practice questions on oxidative cleavage (Q21 to Q23)
Video 2-6
Preparation of alkenes (from elimination reactions)